Tuesday, February 18, 2014

You Shall Know The Truth

After receiving the understanding that John could say “No” to the enemy. John found himself in another spiritual battle. John sincerely desired to be used and to be in My frontline battles. Recently John and his sister Cindy had another opportunity to share before a group of family members of those with mental illness. John and Cindy shared hope for them. Hope through medicine and the hope that was found in Me. John was continuing to work through the verse in James. John pondered and desired to apply the verse. Again the verse is: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptation. Knowing that the trying of your faith works patience, let patience have her perfect work that you might be perfect and entire wanting nothing. Truly the word perfect in the verse was to be mature in Me. I allowed John again to come to the center of the battle. John would need to walk by faith, not knowing the right path. He would need to acknowledge Me for the answer, even though He could not grasp what was true and what was not. The enemy told John if he were truly saved he would not doubt. John forgot about My promise, “When you are faithless, I am faithful.” The enemy lead John down a path of confusion. Since John doubted, Satan said he needed to do something different to be saved. He trapped John with a concept that he had never called upon Me to be his Savior. This was the first lie. John had truly called upon Me years earlier. Someway the enemy convinced John he needed to be saved also from the Law. The enemy even used Scripture to back the thought up. John received the lie and in a sense he received another spirit. Satan then lead John down a path that he must fully understand that he was never saved and that the poetry was not from Me. To walk this path he must destroy all things relating to the poetry gift I had given John. The trap was laid. John could not discern what was the truth and what was a lie. John called upon Me for the answer. John acknowledged that He would trust in Me and not lean on his own understanding. This “new” spirit wanted to lead John away from the Bible and even not to go to church. This all happened on a Saturday night. John woke up the next day still in the conflict. John fought through the conflict and desired to go to church. As I lead John to go to church, John received a thankful heart. John battled through the service and Bible class afterward. After this John got alone with Me in the sanctuary. As he prayed I lead him to this verse: They over came him(Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of this testimony and that they loved not their lives, even unto death. John’s eyes were now open to the Truth. Satan, also wanted to destroy the poetry so that couldn’t witness of Me. Satan, also knew that if he could get John to destroy it. John could not use it as a word of testimony to fight against Satan. The very thing Satan wanted was the opposite of what I wanted. John thought about the blood that I had given for him. He thought of confessing his sins and how My blood could cleanse him of all his sin. John claimed My blood as John’s righteousness. If John could see clearly he could know that the poetry was a gift from Me. It could be used for others to grow in Me and to find Me. John now realized that Satan had a stronghold in his life. The stronghold was now coming down. After 30 years, John clearly knew that he had truly been forgiven all along. All of My Scriptures were now solid to rest upon now. John began to put down the fears, by calling them what they were illusions and lies. The truths I had been teaching John were now fully his. Truly you shall know My truths and they will set you free.

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